Swallowing 101 Throat, Teach & LearnErin ShellenbergerAugust 26, 2020dysphagia, swallowing, choking, anatomy, throat
Practicing tongue twisters may improve your speech. Teach & Learn, ThroatErin ShellenbergerAugust 17, 2020tongue twisters, speech practice, DIY, tongue, mouth, throat
Real Experience : Meagan Real Experience, Ear, NoseErin ShellenbergerAugust 14, 2020testimonials, tubes, adenoids, sinuplasty, ear, nose
Want to see what the inside of a nose looks like? Teach & Learn, NoseErin ShellenbergerAugust 13, 2020teacher resources, anatomy, nasal cavity, nasal endoscopy, homeschool, look inside, nose
16 lb. Tumor and Mercy Ships Unbelievable, ThroatErin ShellenbergerAugust 12, 2020head and neck mass, non-profit, mission, quality-of-life, africa, unbelievable
Make Your Own Paper Ear Model! Let’s talk about the ear and learn more with this paper ear model! Read More Ear, Teach & LearnErin ShellenbergerAugust 10, 2020educational, anatomy, 3-D model, DIY, ear
Real Experience : Craig Real Experience, Daily Life, NoseErin ShellenbergerAugust 7, 2020testimonials, nose
Why Kleenex is listed on every school supply list. Real Life, NoseErin ShellenbergerAugust 6, 2020nose-picking, teacher resources, good reads, kids, homeschool, nose
World's Hardest Tongue Twister UnbelievableErin ShellenbergerAugust 5, 2020tongue twisters, speech, tongue, unbelievable
Q: Why won't my ears stop ringing? Ear, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerAugust 3, 2020ringing in ears, stress, smoking, loud noises, earwax, ear infection, high blood pressure, anxiety, buzzing, clicking, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, tinnitus, ear
Do your ears itch? This might help. Daily Life, EarErin ShellenbergerJuly 30, 2020DIY, home remedies, itching, eczema, ear
Q: Why do I get a sore throat so often? Throat, Teach & LearnErin ShellenbergerJuly 27, 2020sore throat, tonsils, tonsillectomy, tonsillitis, throat
Real Experience : Jeff Ear, Real Experience, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJuly 24, 2020testimonials, ear, throat
Consider this if you snore, but don't think you have sleep apnea Daily Life, SleepErin ShellenbergerJuly 23, 2020snoring, sleep apnea, sleep study, sleep
Tongue insured for $ 14 million. Unbelievable, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJuly 22, 2020insurance, taste, taste buds, tongue, mouth, throat
How do I know if someone has dysphagia? Throat, Teach & LearnErin ShellenbergerJuly 20, 2020dysphagia, swallowing, choking, throat, mouth
Q: Do you do nose jobs? Nose, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerJuly 17, 2020nose job, cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty, nose
You think your mask is bad? Daily Life, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJuly 16, 2020masks, COVID-19, safety, throat
Nose insured for $ 8 million. Unbelievable, NoseErin ShellenbergerJuly 15, 2020smell, insurance, nose