Posts in Ear
4 Things You Need to Know When Hearing Loss Sneaks Up on You

Hearing loss often develops gradually, making it hard to notice until it significantly impacts daily life. It can steal life simple pleasures. Subtle signs like frequently asking for repetition, difficulty following conversations, and increasing TV volume may go unnoticed and if left unaddressed, can lead to cognitive decline, social isolation, mental health issues, and safety risks. Get ahead by learning the signs, causes, and when to get tested!

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Is Ear Candling the Next Exciting Solution to Earwax Removal? You Decide!

Curious about ear candling? Heard mixed reviews from friends, family, and online testimonials? Watch this side-by-side demonstration of ear candling and decide for yourself if it is worth a try! In this video, my subject experiences ear candling and we compare her results with an ear candle burning in a glass. You be the judge of the results.

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