Why masks work. Nose, Throat, Teach & LearnErin ShellenbergerJuly 10, 2020COVID-19, masks, prevention, best practices, nose, throat
Have a hoarse voice that just won't go away? Daily Life, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJuly 9, 2020voice, hoarseness, throat
Perhaps do as we say, not as we do. Unbelievable, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJuly 8, 2020do not try this, swallowing, legos, bad examples, throat, mouth
Q: What is swimmer’s ear? Daily Life, EarErin ShellenbergerJuly 6, 2020ear plugs, diy, home remedies, ear infection, ear
Real Experience : Travis and Kara Real Experience, Daily Life, NoseErin ShellenbergerJuly 3, 2020sinus infection, allergies, sinus, testimonials
Experiencing sudden hearing loss? Don't wait. Daily Life, EarErin ShellenbergerJuly 2, 2020snoring, hearing loss
Q: Good idea or bad idea? Teach & Learn, NoseErin ShellenbergerJuly 1, 2020nosebleed, DIY, home remedies
Try this to reduce snoring. Daily Life, SleepErin ShellenbergerJune 26, 2020snoring, DIY, home remedies
Q: What Exactly Is Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears)? Teach & Learn, Ear, Highlighted PostsErin ShellenbergerJune 25, 2020ear, ringing in ears, tinnitus
Q: What is reflux and why do I get it? Teach & Learn, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJune 23, 2020LPR, throat, reflux, laryngopharyngeal reflux
ETD (eustachian tube dysfunction) in children Teach & Learn, EarErin ShellenbergerJune 22, 2020ear, ETD, eustachian tube, pediatric
Real Experience : Kodee Ear, Real Experience, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJune 19, 2020ear, throat, testimonials
Q: I think I have TMJ. What can I do? Daily Life, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJune 18, 2020jaw, tmj, Mouth, throat
Like Father, Like Daughter : World's Widest Tongues Unbelievable, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJune 17, 2020tongue, mouth, throat, unbelievable
Q: What can I do to improve my balance? Teach & Learn, EarErin ShellenbergerJune 16, 2020ear, balance
Real Experience : Reid Ear, Real ExperienceErin ShellenbergerJune 12, 2020testimonials, ear, pediatric