Q: What is swimmer’s ear? Daily Life, EarErin ShellenbergerJuly 6, 2020ear plugs, diy, home remedies, ear infection, ear
Real Experience : Travis and Kara Real Experience, Daily Life, NoseErin ShellenbergerJuly 3, 2020sinus infection, allergies, sinus, testimonials
Experiencing sudden hearing loss? Don't wait. Daily Life, EarErin ShellenbergerJuly 2, 2020snoring, hearing loss
Try this to reduce snoring. Daily Life, SleepErin ShellenbergerJune 26, 2020snoring, DIY, home remedies
Q: I think I have TMJ. What can I do? Daily Life, ThroatErin ShellenbergerJune 18, 2020jaw, tmj, Mouth, throat
"I have a bump on my thyroid." Throat, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerJune 1, 2020throat, thyroid, nodules
Real Experience : Matt Nose, Real Experience, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerMay 29, 2020nose, testimonials
My advice : Stop looking at your tongue. Throat, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerMay 28, 2020throat, tongue, Mouth
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) Ear, Daily Life, Highlighted PostsErin ShellenbergerMay 26, 2020ear, eustachian tube, ETD
Why would COVID-19 cause loss of smell? Nose, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerMay 4, 2020nose, smell, COVID-19
Q & A : Can allergies come back after immunotherapy? Nose, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerApril 29, 2020allergies, allergy shots
MYTH: Tonsillectomies lead to more infections Throat, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerApril 27, 2020myth, tonsils, tonsillectomy, throat, Mouth, pediatric
Q & A : What are tonsil stones and why do I get them? Throat, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerApril 23, 2020throat, tonsils, tonsil stones, mouth
MYTH: There's no cure for ringing in ears Ear, Daily LifeErin ShellenbergerApril 20, 2020myth, ear, ringing in ears, tinnitus