Nagging Pain - 2 Cor. 12.7-9


I hate suffering and I hate being in pain. Who doesn’t?  Let’s be honest, I bristle and resist just being uncomfortable or facing unknowns. Isn’t that just human nature? We resist things that hurt and cause fear.  

Do you have a hardship or trial in your life that just won’t go away? It may be physical, but it may be emotional or relational. I’ve been there. 

It is ok seek help or plead with God as Paul did:

“... there was given to me a thorn in my flesh … to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.” 2 Corinthians 12.7-8 

If you haven’t read this passage before - spoiler alert - God doesn’t take it away.  

The opportunity to help alleviate pain and discomfort was one of the reasons I became a doctor. I genuinely want to help others feel their best and not endure physical hardship longer than they already have. There are times, however, that I ask my patients to endure more pain or wait a little longer until we can get to the root of the problem. You may have been one of those patients, in fact. It’s hard to ask that of you, but in my experience it may be necessary to bring the greatest amount of healing I can. 

I believe God does the same with us. 

As difficult as it is for me to say it - have you ever considered that God might be permitting this “thorn in your flesh” the same way He did in the apostle Paul as a vehicle to cause you to rely on Him? In other words, that pain, that thing that just won’t go away may very well be what He wants to use to help you rely on Him. That’s a hard thing to wrap my mind around when I’m in the thick of it; but I really do believe His Word (the Bible) is true and we can take Him at His Word. 

Claim His promise today:  

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  2 Corinthians 12.9

I pray that you see His power at work in your life.

My wife, Erin and I would be honored to pray for you if you are in a difficult season. Send us your request here. All messages will be held in utmost confidence.