Ear Mouse


OK, if I could have a pet, this would be the last pet I would ever have.  It’s terrifying! This is definitely the scariest thing I have seen in a long time. Can you imagine being at the pet store? Umm… lets see. I’ll take the mouse with a human ear growing off it’s hip, please.

Creating this … thing, was first performed by a researcher, Dr. Vacanti, and this mouse has been called the “Vacanti Mouse” after him. It is a part of science called tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Believe it or not, that ear is not really an ear. It is a “scaffolding” made from cow cells, which in theory would is taken over by the mouse’s own cells. Unfortunately, scientists haven’t gotten to the point where an ear grown on a mouse can be used to replace a lost outer ear on a human... yet.

What does one even pay for an ear grown via mouse? I’ll bet it won’t be covered by most insurances anyway.

Kids, I don’t think I would suggest trying this for your next science fair project either. We can find something else.

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