Real Experience : The Cagle Family

During Levi’s first year of life, he had eight ear infections. His pediatrician referred us to a specialist, but being first time parents, the thought of our infant being put under for surgery was terrifying. We tried to push surgery off until we got rid of the pacifier to see if that would help with the infections. For the first six months, that seemed to have solved the issue. However, he had seven infections after that, all of which were most likely the same infection and his body developing an immunity to the medication(s).
We finally decided to reach out to Dr Shellenberger, who was so kind, gentle, and patient. He could sense our tension with sending Levi into an operating room but assured us the process would be quick and simple.

Sure enough, I did not even have time to pour a cup of coffee, and Dr. Shellenberger came out of the operating room to inform us the surgery was over and a success.

Levi is now nine years old and has only had one ear infection since he got those tubes put in at two years of age. That infection also happened the week after a day spent at the lake (without ear covers).

The tubes fell off painlessly over time.

We could not have had a better experience, especially with it being our first son and first surgery encounter!

I have since taken our second son to see Dr. Shellenberger for a potential lip tie. He, once again, was knowledgeable and suggested we wait until Titus was older to see if it would limit his speech, as it was a very minor issue. Titus is now four and has no speech issue!

We are very thankful for an honest doctor, who is more concerned with the overall well-being of the client, rather than making a profit.
— The Cagle Family

Have you had a great experience with Dr. Shellenberger, too?

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