Oral Head and Neck Cancer Awareness (OHANCA)


This week is national Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness week. Approximately 66,000 people are expected to be diagnosed this year in the United States with some form of OHN cancer. While that is not a huge amount of the population, it can be very serious for those that are diagnosed.


The Facts:

-85% of oral, head, and neck cancers are related to tobacco use.

-Head and neck cancers can cause problems swallowing and breathing.

-75% of oral, head, and neck cancers are related to tobacco and alcohol use.

-Head and neck cancers make up 4% of all cancer in the United States.

-The mortality rate of oral, head, and neck cancer is steadily decreasing!

-Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is another major factor for causing oral, head, and neck cancer.

If you are ever concerned about any symptoms you have regarding your mouth, head, or neck, please make an appointment with me at 817-261-3000.


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