Longest Saxophone Note


WHO - Vann Burchfield

WHERE - Birmingham, Alabama

How long do you think someone could hold a note on a saxophone? Maybe a minute or two with strong lungs? For Vann Burchfield, measuring in hours may be easier. Burchfield’s official record is 47 minutes and 5.5 seconds! However, he mentioned that he has held a note for as long as 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 22 seconds while practicing. Wow! But how is that possible?

It’s possible with circular breathing. Circular breathing is the process of breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth at the same time. Studies say that many people can train themselves to breathe this way. It is clear that Vann Burchfield mastered this.

Guinness has since banned circular breathing as a means to break the record. The current record without circular breathing is held by a Turkish musician named Alpaslan Dumuş for 1 minute and 52 seconds.



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